
cc: @lvjnsl on yt

my profile ✧.*

kry, her/she, asian & pacific Islander ..!

yesyesyes! <3
shopping, music, ocean, space, drama, pingu
nonono... </3
bugs, humidity, MATH, hair not hairing & makeup not makeuping

123 | 123 | @ 123

lovelovelove !!*
• jellyfishes
• junji ito, ai yazawa, fujimoto, ghibli
• kpop (ult: p1h)
• csm, princess jelly
• sanrio & spiderman


cc: @lvjnsl on yt

basic dni list, piwon anti, ion rlly know anything else. contact me if have any concerns/need clarifications ig?!?

minor, i try to stay spoiler free but no guarantees, slow replies sorta (depends on the time & day), im open to being friends but dm me bcz I don't follow everyone back